5 thoughts on “What is Tai'an's specialty?”

  1. 1. Feicheng Tao Feicheng, referred to as Fei Tao, also known as Buddhist Tao, has a history of cultivation for more than 1,100 years. Since the Ming Dynasty, it has been a royal tribute. In 1726, "Shandong Tongzhi", "Facheng County Vocal" in 1908, "Shandong Persuades" in 1921, "China Industrial" in 1921, 1932 and 1934 Shandong " The Republic of China Daily records the characteristics of Feicheng Tao and the production status at the time. Feicheng Tao is famous for its great quality and rich nutrition. The weight of the single fruit is generally around 350 grams, and the maximum is more than 900 grams, which is called "Peach King". The fruit is hypertrophic, beautiful in appearance, tender and fragrant of the flesh, fragrant smell, and rich nutrition. Feicheng's unique climate and soil and soil conditions have bred the unique quality of Fei Tao. According to expert identification, the content of soluble solids in Feicheng peach fruit is more than 15.8%, of which 9.5%containing cane sucrose, reducing VC7.31 (mg/100g flesh), can drip acid 0.32%, and contains a variety of human body need Protein, vitamins, pectin substances and mineral elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus (component per 100 grams of fresh fat peach component per 100 grams of fresh fat peach component water 82.6% [] total sugar 15.5% can drip acid 0.32% soluble soluble 0.75% protein 0.6569% reduction VC 7.31mg tannin 38.65mg nitrogen 0.1051% phosphorus 18.31mg of potassium 140.10mg of calcium 8.7mg iron 0.7mg). Feicheng Tao was identified as a special fruit for the 11th Asian Games in 1996. In 1994, he was awarded the "Gold Award" of the first forestry named agricultural and sideline product expo in the country. 2. Walnuts and chestnut walnuts, also known as walnuts, have more than 1,000 years of cultivation history in the Taishan area. Walnuts are dried fruits and are important raw materials for the food industry. Candy foods made from walnut kernels are many types, fresh and refreshing, and sweet. Walnuts can also be used as medicine, with more than 20 species, which have the effects of solid teeth, black hair, brain health, and lungs. The Taishan chestnut enjoys its reputation with a large color and delicious flavor. The cultivation of chestnuts in the Taishan area has a history of more than 500 years. It was set as "tribute" as early as the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Since the Republic of China, it has been known as the "Taishan Ganli". Sugar -fried chestnuts, chestnut cakes, chestnut cakes and chestnut stewed chicken, unique flavor, very popular with consumers. 3. Taishan Hongyu Apricot is concentrated in the Village of Liubu Town, Yanyin, commonly known as "Conference Apricot", and has a history of cultivation for more than 2,000 years. In the early years, as a tribute, it was known as a good product after Emperor Hanwu's food, so it was also called "Hanwu Xing". Red jade apricot fruits are large, with a maximum of 150 grams. The flesh and peel are orange -red, thick and thin, non -sticky cores, sweet and sour and delicious. In addition to more sugar and organic acid Copycin, various vitamins, trace elements and various amino acids. Its medicinal value is also high, especially almonds, which are rich in phosphorus, high -calorie, high protein, and have the effects of nourishing the brain, moisturizing the lungs, relieving cough, and asthma, and are particularly beneficial to those with weak constitutions in the growth period. Beautiful food can also be made, canned apricot, canned food. 4. Taishan Four Leaf Ginseng, also known as sheep milk and Taishan Ginseng, is one of the famous medicines in Taishan. It is a perennial herbaceous plant. Born in the rock gaps, wet wet ravines, and hillsidal shade in the depths of Taishan. The vines are 1 meter long, and the flowers are single on the tip of the branches or leaves. The roots are like carrots, rough skin, black and yellow, and have the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, expectorant, and coughing, and strong nourishing. Soaking liquor, often drinking can relax blood and promote blood, fitness and qi, and is known as the "Treasure of Taishan". 5. Antlers are also known as ceiling and coral. Born from August to September, it was born in the shade and dry wood bushes. It has strong seasonality and is not easy to find. It is 15 cm high, beige, white at the base. The main branches are stout, and the top is irregularly branched, shaped like antlers. At the top of the small branches, there are 2 to 3 small teeth. The bacteria are white, internal reality, the spore sac is yellow, and the spore is colorless. Every 500 grams of fresh products, including 12.9 grams of protein, 0.55 grams of fat, 9.8 grams of sugar, 0.9 grams of crude fiber, 1.38 grams of mineral elements, including vitamin B10.71 mg, and vitamin B21.46 mg, which is the best nourishing product. 6. Taishan Chi Ganoderma folk is called Ganoderma Cao. Pores of the family is a medicinal fungus. The shape is quite similar to a colorful mushroom. The "mushroom cover" is irregularly cloud -shaped, with ring lines and radiated wrinkles; there are many pores below the "cover"; , Gloss like paint. Every summer, the temperature of Taishan is getting higher, and the relative humidity between the forests gradually increases, and the sun is scattered, forming a favorable condition for the rapid growth of the Taishan Ganoderma lucidum. At the end of autumn, it can be taken next to the pupa and maple wooden stakes. The whole plant has the functions of treating deafness, benefit joints, protecting the gods, benefiting qi, strengthening the bone, healing and labor, nourishing and strong. Taishan Chi Ganoderma is the famous Taishan specialty. It is a treasure in my country's medical treasure house and is a valuable authentic medicinal material. Since ancient times, Ganoderma lucidum is called fairy grass. In ancient legends, it could make people grow old and live back. It has a history of more than two thousand years of nourishing products. The Compendium of Materia Medica records "Ganoderma lucidum is bitter, non -toxic, can be added, and wisdom can be used for a long time." It has significant curative effects on heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, liver and lung disease, kidney disease, etc., has the functions of improving the human body's immunity and anti -cancer, and has both anti -aging, detoxification, antibacterial and other functions. Therefore, "Taishan Chizhi" has become a unique tourist product of Taishan. "Taishan Ganoderma Tea" is the selection of Taishan Chi Ganoderma as the main raw materials, with precious Chinese medicinal materials such as Qiguo, Poria, chrysanthemum, lotus seeds, and Li Xubin senior engineers who are famous nationwide and the 18th -generation famous medical family. After more than ten years of scientific research results, after hundreds of trials, the latest scientific methods were extracted, and the pure natural health tea mixed with Ganoderma essence powder and precious Chinese medicine was finally scheduled. "Taishan Ganoderma Tea" is measured by scientific methods that it contains 18 kinds of amino acids, ganoderma tea, ganoderma sugar, organic crickets, multiple vitamins and other nutrients. Insomnia, fatigue, long -term illness, heart disease, and hypertension have obvious auxiliary treatment effects, and have anti -cancer function. About 50 yuan/kg. 7. Red scale fish, also known as Lilin Fish, Laulfish, one of the eight treasures of China. It is a small wild fish unique to Taishan. Carp family, kissing fish genus. Under natural conditions, the adults are 20 centimeters and weigh 100 grams. The body is flat, the abdomen is round, the head is small, and the upper lip is very small. Dark brown, white belly, slightly blue back. The body is a fine scale, the scales on both sides are slightly yellow, the dorsal fins and the caudal fins are grayish yellow, and the other fins are orange. The kiss and hips are dotted with white beads. The body color changes with the environment, is deep or shallow, and changes rapidly. The reaction to the sound changes is sensitive, and the action is agile. The red -scale fish grows in the mountain streams of 270 to 800 meters above sea level, and like algae and floating animals. The Taishan Creek is rich in algae, the stream is often low temperature, runoff is bent, oxygen is rich in oxygen, the pH value is neutral, and the content of various minerals is low, forming a unique ecological environment of red scale fish. Essence 8. Taishan Xiaobai Pear Taishan Xiaobai Pear, also known as Taishan Beauty Pear. Mainly produced on the northern foot of Taishan. This variety is mature, fruity is positive, beautiful, thin and tender, juice and sweet, including gibicic acid, citric acid, glucose, fructose, carotene, and multiple vitamins. The head of Taishan Baishou Ukraine Taishan medicine. Born in the wet zone and trees of the fertile area of ​​the hillside stone or the fertile soil. The height of the plant is 1 to 2 meters, the vines are born, the stems are slender, green or purple. Single leaves are raw, leaf halberd -shaped or triangular heart -shaped, the apex is gradually sharp, with long handle. Umbrella -shaped inflorescence is yellow -green, 5 petals. From May to June is the flowering period, and the fruiting period from August to September. The root block is spherical, the outer skin is yellow -brown, and the magnetic and heavy are like stone. Blocking medicine has the effects of nourishing blood, nourishing the liver, solidifying the kidneys, strong muscles and bones, and black hair. Its sex is not cold and dry. Taishan Bai Shouwu is better than similar products. 10. Taishan Big Heman Hawthorn Taishan Big Hawthorn has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. The variety results are early, high yield, strong adaptability, large fruit, round or flat, red color, good flavor, storage resistance. Each hundred grams of hawthorn fruit contains 85 mg of calcium and vitamin C89 mg, and it is also rich in iron, phosphorus, protein, fat, redine, pectin, etc. Fresh food is sweet and delicious, and can also be processed into hawthorn cake, hawthorn juice, canned hawthorn. The fruit is used as medicine, and the symptoms of diet stagnation, chest and abdomen full, hernia, and blood irritation are closed. Mountain people often use hawthorn leaves to substitute tea, which has good effects on treating headache and dizziness, reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, and preventing and treatment of coronary heart disease. 11. Sancha Red Star Apple Sancha Red Star Apple is mainly produced in Sancha Forest Farm in the western part of Taishan. The field is about 800 meters above sea level. The soil is fertile and the water source is sufficient. The annual rainfall is 912 mm, the evaporation is 813 mm, and the average annual temperature is 10.8 ° C. The red star apple surface is purple, thick, luster, high hardness, high -storage, large juice, delicious fragrance, unique flavor.

  2. Tai'an has the four treasures of Taishan (ganoderma, ginseng, etc.) Tai'an walnut Tai'an's pancakes. Absolute specialty, a bit sour, is authentic in Shandong pancakes. "Taishan Sanmei, cabbage, tofu, water", if you go, you must taste Sanmei soup.

  3. The production of Tiantian:
    Walnut, also known as walnut, has more than 1,000 years of cultivation history in the Taishan area. Walnuts are dried fruits and are important raw materials for the food industry. Candy foods made from walnut kernels are many types, fresh and refreshing, and sweet. Walnuts can also be used as medicine, with more than 20 species, which have the effects of solid teeth, black hair, brain health, and lungs.
    Tayama chestnut enjoys his reputation with a large color and delicate flavor. The cultivation of chestnuts in the Taishan area has 500
    for many years. As early as the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was designated as "tribute". Since the Republic of China, it has been known as the "Taishan Ganli". Sugar -fried chestnuts, chestnut cakes, chestnut cakes and chestnut stewed chicken, unique flavor, very popular with consumers.
    Tayama pancake
    Ti'an has a history of boothing pancakes for more than a thousand years. Tai'an pancakes are made of corn and millet as raw materials. It is made into a paste. It is as thin as paper, crispy as crispy, less water, and storage resistance. It is a well -known Tai'an traditional food. Taian's folk rumors are good: "Eat pancakes, scallions, fragrant, oil cakes".
    The Taishan teeth jujube, like sugar, flesh like olive, sweet and delicious, is a unique local product in Taishan, and the Qing Dynasty was the royal family "tribute". In the early years, Western missionaries particularly liked Taishan tooth jujube. Whenever they returned to China, they bought a lot of purchases and gifts to relatives and relatives. When General Feng Yuxiang lived in Ganthan in seclusion, Taishan Yajube was a must -have for his guests to entertain guests.

    The Sanmei of Taishan
    cabbage, tofu, water
    one of the three beauty of Taishan is cabbage. The long shape is slender, and the top is rolled outward. This kind of vegetable is fine and has no gluten. Essence The second is tofu, which is made of pulp with stone mills, and plasma is used for gypsum. Due to the fine workmanship, it is fine and white, and is beneficial to "god tofu". The third is water. In Taishan, there is a saying "how tall and high the water". Thai three can be found on the top of more than 1,500 meters above sea level. Vinegar and tofu are inseparable.

    The red heart radish
    Ti'an carrot radish, the best in summer, is well -proportioned, generally about half a catty. , Sak and sweet, crisp and refreshing, and have the functions of digestion, spleen, qi, clearing heat and detoxifying. There is a beautiful name for red radish? Quot; Yantai Apple, Laiyang Pear, can't catch up with Tai'an's radish skin "

    my country's fish treasures are produced in the fine stream of Taishan Mountain. The adults are only 20 cm long. The meat is tender and delicious. It can be used for medicine. The extraordinary effects of joints, essences, strong bones, and healing are precious specialties of Taishan. Legend has it that Shennong tastes Baicao and found this medicine in Taishan because of the "magic medicine". Wang Qinruo Xianzhi Cao has more than 38,000 copies. "So far, Tai'an people regard Ganoderma lucidum as treasures.

    Ginkgo under the puppet
    Ginkgo biloba, also known as ginkgo tree. The oldest tree is older. The oldest is the two ginkgo in the back door of the Temple Temple. The rock is rooted in the rock, up to 30 meters, which is extremely magnificent. Its fruit can also be used as a medicine and food. It is a precious tree species.

  4. Taishan pancake is a characteristic with sweet noodle sauce inside, but if your journey is far away, I am afraid that it is not convenient to carry. Taishan Shi dares to be the treasure of the shock house, and Taishan's daughter tea is also unique.
    Is supplement
    Tayama board chestnut, walnuts, red phosphorus, ganoderma, ink jade, Dongping bad fish, red heart duck eggs, diamond chestnuts, 芡 芡, Ningyang 蟋蟀, jujube, Feicheng peach, new Tailang, Daolang, Daolang Flower pots, woodfish stones.
    The people come to Tai'an to buy chestnut, walnut, ink jade, and ganoderma. Chestnuts and walnuts can be purchased on the east side of the Huangqian Reservoir. The real mountain goods are good. If you buy less, you can go to the farmer's market. Mo Yu's first self -commission, Ganoderma lucidum is in Taishan and can be bought at the shops on both sides of Hongmen Road.

  5. Answer some irrelevant answers upstairs.

    I told you that if you go to Tai'an, you have to bring some special products, usually pancakes. As for cabbage tofu, there is no need to be O (∩_∩) o ~

    Then you can bring some walnuts. There is also the walnut cake over the railway station, but it ’s not expensive and do n’t bring it.

    It no more else. Everyone knows that everyone knows that there are generally sold in the supermarket, and the stuff from Tai'an is still heavy.

    The specialty snacks and red phosphorus haha ​​
    are the black mushroom ganoderma on the mountain

    big rocks are also counted (^o^)/~

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